Tuesday, June 18, 2013



da lma x mnulis..nak kate seb0k xd ar sgt..alhamdulillah..life is n0t easy but Allah never leave me al0ne.. should be grateful with wat i hv n0w.. its ab0ut 2 m0nths n a week i d0 postgraduate pr0gram..yeay! its mean dat i bec0me student again!!cant believe i finally made a decision to be student again..it will take few years..s0rry ummi n ayah..h0pe u r n0t w0rry ab0ut your daughter..especially b0ut marry2 issue..heeee..i h0pe they will n0t ask me..since im als0 dun hv any cal0n f0r them..suh carikan x m0..huhu..jgn rsau kay ummi n ayah..i will extra take care of myself..heee..in sya Allah..

t0day..b0san..balek umah sbb dpt intebiu SPA..ish..da ar pggl iv rmy2..rezeki sapelah dpat j0b tu..alhamdulillah..ak d0akan..sbb ak sdiri telah memilih jalan yg bru je merangkak x smpai 20km..heeee..bleh ke kre cmtu..huhu..btw, reminder to myself...h0pe i can keep in t0uch wif my alam maya diary..mcm pelik je ak eja cmnie..xpelah asalkan ak paham..okay..to myself.please be g0od..u need t0 read m0re..m0re..n m0re..ish..jgn degil..==okay..saya xdegil..hahaha..offf...next time..