Sunday, October 31, 2010

:: frisbee ::

dsbbkan ak mmg suke no hal ar kalu ad member ajak g bersukan jer ak on...
tp masalahnyer skrg,org yg ajak bersukan xd...then,member2 yg laen plak dtg blenggang x bawa kad...cmne ar nk pinjam peralatan sukan kat kompleks sukan uitm nie...aduh...naseb ar dapat teman yang rock camnie...neway...i l0ve my friends...really love them...they make my life alive...i keep thinking if i was with them, what i am going to be...haha...its okay...everything fine without their card because of the only card that save us was mine...haha...pastue naseb baek ar diorg rajen nak g pinjam peralatan sukan...rancang punya rancang pada awalnyer ad la utk bmaen futsal...actually saya xd ar reti maen futsal,but spt yg dkatakan td...kalu pasal sukan on jer...kt0rg g ar pinjam piring frisbee tu...panggil ek...lupe da...huhu...

dari ar x reti maen ktorg macam da jadi amatur kat padang first xd org pown maen frisbee...ktorg pown wat derk jer ar...haha...bkn org laen nk tgk pown ktorg maen betul ke x betul...haha...ntah ap2 ntah baling...siap berputar2 ag piring tue...then, ad plak team laen maen frisbee gak kat pdg tue...ktorg pown xp ar...semakin mengecilkan jajahan...haha...malu ar baru belajar...pastu alih2 diorg ajak join diorg maen...mak ai...malunyer...bkn sbb ap...sbb ktorg x pandai maen...kang d0k belasah ntah anak sape ntah nnt kna saman plak...he3..mne ar taw...pastu xp ar...ak pown pujuk ar member2 ak...sbb ak kan suke ak nak taw gak ar selok belok game nie teragak2 ktorg pown mnerima tawaran tersebut...jeng3...haha...apakah yg terjadi?ad sorg mamat yg berbaju hijau yg sgt baek...baek ar...nice guy...die yg ajar maen...yg klakar laen da stand by smua nak start game die bole explain ag kat ak cara nk maen...kawan2 yg laen smua macam da mara...haha...s0ry yer yg laen...but he is really nice guy...thanx to i have learned how to play the frisbee and know the game's rule...sgt mnarik narnyer frisbee...ingt maen baling2 camtu i fall in love with frisbee...haha...not the green guy...huhu...but i was thinking...die turun pdg x esok...huhu...okay ar for now...i need to study for biostat paper tomorrow...haha...ptg nanti nak maen frisbee ag kalu diizinkan Allah...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

...get me out of here...

haha...tbe2 jer ayat "get me out of here" nie muncul dlm kpala...
agak2nya nape ea?
haha...rsenyer minda ak skrg tgh bg inf0 utk keluar dari situasi yg sgt rileks ini...
iaitu x f0kus dlm mbaca...okay3...
nak out ar cmnie...
g0 g0 anna...try your best...tgk stakat mane kemampuan kiter sampai pengsan...haha
okay...nk g study nie...
laen kali plak ar taip ea...daaa....

:: bila cinta ::

wake up early in the morning and perform solat makes me feel better and happy now...
after clean up myself and room,studying for the paper tomorrow and have chatting with my friends...everything okay for now after i blow up all the mess things... now bila cinta ost budak setan keep playing in my mind...haha...below is the lyrics...i think the song quite lovely after watching lagenda budak setan...huhu

Bila cinta kini
Tak lagi bermakna
Yang ku rasa kini
Hanyalah nestapa
Ditinggalkan cinta masa lalu

Dulu kau tawarkan
Manisnya janjimu
Yang ku sambut itu
Dengan segenap hatiku
Bila engkau pergi

Hilangnya cintamu
Menusuk hatiku
Hingga ku memilih
Cinta yang fana

Perginya dirimu
merobek jantungku
Hingga ku terjatuh
Dalam harapan

Hilangnya cintamu
Menusuk hatiku
Hingga ku terjatuh
Dalam harapan
Dalam harapan

try ar search lagu die if you want to know more bout it...


...i am trying...
...and yet still trying...
...please... me out from the dark...
...please save me...

sometimes i just don't want to listen...

sometimes i just don't want to listen...
what you are talking about...
what you are going to do...
please...just ignore me...
i just want some space for myself...
don't even talk to me...
it make me feel worst ever...

shas...what im trying to do...
it make its even worst...
ahah...sounds like i do understand nothings...
farhana...wake up...
speaks to yourself...
tell yourself that u will make it even better...
that you can change this world in the way that you love...
you will make yourself fell better...
you will love yourself even more....
because no one will fight for you...
just only you....

are you feeling better after write to yourself huh?
huhu...i guess so...
thanx for understanding yourself...
now, get prepare for urself for the next becoming paper...
cheer up farhana!!!
you can achieve what you want...
you control what you are thinking about...
you gonna be succeed in whatever you do...
best of luck farhana...
go for it!