Friday, October 28, 2011

tik t0k tik t0k...

masa berlalu dengan pantas...
tanpa menunggu aku yang sering leka...
melayan perasaan...
mengenang masa silam...

well past is past...
n0w we need t0 l0ok f0rward...
i need t0 d0 that...

sbb ak slalu sgt bhenti d msa yg x spatutnya...
ak bhenti mnilai pkara yg x sepatutnya..
life must g0 on ar nurul...
u need t0 treasure y0ur future...
wake up...
masa depan memerlukan perhatian anda...
bhiduplah dengan senyuman...
senyumlah pada mereka...
senyumlah menutup luka...
mencari sinar kebahagiaan d hari muka... (^_^)

jumaat 28oct

da lma x tulis kat wall sdiri...
tu jer k0wt ;)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

kerana cintaku kepadanya melebihi cintaku kepadamu...

as previously said by ustaz ramli in class 'iman bertambah dan berkurang'
now i think i understand what does it means
as we get older, we g0 through this w0rld with many challenges that we need to face
then, the acti0n that we take reflect the attitude and our standing life
s0metimes we d0 according to the sunnah...and s0metimes its out of the line
but alhamdulillah, Allah always look after me and never get me far from Him
its look like i'm getting the second chances to improve my life and develop my iman
i cried because Allah have open my eyes
and i hope Allah always give me Nur

'f'..i hope you can go through this life without me...
sorry, i'm hurting you badly...i guess
if we are mean to be together
we will meet again as plan by Allah
if not, just accept the fate that had written for us

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

nama pun raya :)


huhu...hari raya??
hari raya ea...
(1 h0ur later)

act ble da berumur sket nie kan..
raya bkn meaningless tp kurang sket kseronokan die...


1. msa kanak2 dlu dpt duet bila makin besar duet raya pown makin sket...then makin...then..makin sket...haha...pastu kna bg duet raya plak...huhu

2. pastu..msa kanak2 leh ar s0k0k2 maen bunga api then maen bile da besar nie trsa malu ar plak nk maen mercun...nnt org ckp nk jadi mak budak da perangai sma je ag..haha

3. then bila makin besar kna ar duk dapur especially anak dara an...sbb kalu dulu2 leh ar join sepupu sepapat maen bunga x bape nk raya n mercun mercin...haha

4. pastu dtg raya umah org kan..sbb kta bdk2..kta xd kerisauan utk tumpahkan air ker..makan tumpah2...comot...xdpt nk abeskan mknn ker sbb mak kta akan abeskan makanan..nie da besar2 malulah kalu xtaw adab sopan...mkn kalu x sedap pown xleh kalu x abeskan...huhu...sbb ap? malulaaaahhhh...

5. pastu bla da besar, raya nie cam ad limit...dlu msa kecik2 even cuti sekejap then pastu masuk sekolah balek..raya still xd limit sbb kita taw mlm nnt mst g umah pak ngah...malam s0k g umah pak teh..next2 mlm g umah pak ble da besar...bla da start keje..esok mlm nk kna raya umah pak ngah...s0k keje plak tu...lusa nk g umah pak teh..weekend nie da ar kna wat OT...bla ar nk rehat...haha...

6. dulu msa kecik2 xpnah pown pikir yg raya nie kna spend duet byk utk ar..msa kecik2 dulu sgala persiapan da dsediakan oleh parent kta termasuklah baju raya, tudung, songkok, butang baju bla da besar kna spend beli baju raya sdiri, lengkap dengan br0och, tudung ag...tudung nak yg mcm hana tajima xnak yg bese2...nk yg up to date...kononnyer 1 bkn bab pakaian jer...nk bg duet raya kat ank buah,sepupu yg kecik2..pastu duet minyak kete nk raya sna sni...huhu

stakat nie tu jer yg ad dipikiran...huhu...see yu next time :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

my day is n0t that bad actually

assalamualaikum kepada miss n...

entry my day is not that bad actually nie narnye bkaitan dengan hari aku nie xd ar teruk mana narnyer...haha(ak translate kan jer)..kalau nak diukur dengan kehidupan org laen yang ag susah...hidup kat umah xd tu ...xd nie...ak yg sepatutnya bersyukur kerana masih banyak lagi nikmat Allah telah dikurniakan kepada never ever think that your day is the m0st w0rst day (kes nie tjadi bile xcompare an ngan org laen ar..hahah)

erm...cmne plak ngan kes hati aku rini...haha...sememangnye pmpn mmg ak xtaw nape ad jgak yg pelik2...hurm...cmne tu nk terangkan kes nie...haha...fuh...suke ke xsuke narnyer...cmne nak tentukan parameter yg kte nie narnyer suke kat die ke x?peh...soalan epik nie...hahah

suke...xsuke...suke...kejap lagi rsa xsuke plak...3 minit pastu tbe2 rsa suke plak...haha...cmne tu

When love is not madness, it is not love. ~Pedro Calderon de la Barca
haa...adakah quotes nie ad kaitan ngan ak...huh?tapi aku x gila lagi..cmne nie??

Thursday, July 28, 2011


pape hal pown mst nk talk bout hati ni..
nape ar ssh sgt nk paham hati sdiri...
pelik ar...

Monday, May 16, 2011

i just love myself...

i just fall f0r myself...i'm s0rry f0r ign0ring...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

my past...few month ago..heehhe

btw..da lme x mnaip...huhu...f0r myself...
few m0nth ago...sem year...last sem...
test...quizzes...educati0nal visit...b0oth...brain teaser...exam...
urghh..ann0ying...s0 busy...
but n0w...i really miss th0se kind of things that make me crazy..huhu
f0r a little while...
miss u lab...
miss u exm...
miss u thermal cycler...
miss u class...
miss u assignment...
i will leave th0se of y0u f0r an0ther gr0wing seeds...
huhu...paham ker...tbe2 rse nk jadi philos0pher...

miss u campus life...
till we meet again...
s0me other time...
in future... (^_^)v
love peace..n0 war..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


t0day is one of my best day...
all things g0ing sm0othly n i want to thank to Allah for giving the chance for me to live even though there still some mistake that i d0...
the same mistake...
i really that i will change myself slowly to be a better pers0n in the future...
and always try to improve myself...
perhaps s0...

dear Allah...
i hope that you will send me a man that have faith in me on the right time...
i really don't know how to make the right decisi0n...
please guide me YA ALLAH...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

please be true to me....

be true to me...
if n0t u will make me feel miserable...
be true to me...
if u want me to trust u...
be true to me...
if u don't want me to go...

please tell me...
let me be clear...
what are the situation we are n0w...
so that i will never be confuse...

don't try to provoke me...
if u don't have any interest on me...
don't try to flirt with me...
if u are not see me in your future...

so please...
don't give me hope...
unless u love me...
because i already fall for u...

Monday, March 21, 2011

how is it?

how is it?
my feeling toward y0u...
i can find any..
is that means i already fall for you?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

hati dan perasaan memang susah nak diungkapkan...

yer...hari2 ak lately agak kelam kabut...haha
s0ry ar kat page ak yg sunyi nie sbb xlawat ari2...
skrg tgh busy ngan final year pr0ject...
bak kate org tgh berapi ar sbb da last sem an...
tapi last sem ak ni agak huru hara sket...
haha...sbb ak ad m0od yg x tentu arah...wat derr...semak jer an an em0si nie...
kan besh ar jugak kalu xd em0si...leh ar wat ap2 tanpa sebarang kemusykilan...
haha...tbe2 teringin nak jadi vampire...
tapi wujud ker vampire kat dunia nie...
wah...ak xtaw ar ap prasaan aku sekarang nie...
padahal test es0k tapi x abes study ag...sian kat umi ayah aku...
ampun umi,ampun ayah...saya tak berniat nak war camtu...huhu
okay g0 back t0 the st0ry...act x start ag p0wn...
huh...pengakuan pada diri aku sendiri...
aku memang susah nak mengungkapkan yang aku suka or xsuka...
or sayang atau ap2 perkataan yg ewww...ak sdiri xleh nak sebut atau text kat org yg sepatutnyer...
maaf kepada org yg pernah menyayangi aku...
mungkin aku terlalu ego atau malu untuk menyatakannnya...
but act aku xd ar eg0...
sbb the main reas0n aku x sebut sbb aku takut hati aku sdiri yg dilukai...
in other w0rds...aku x percaya relati0nship tu akan kekal...
i'm s0 sorry f0r n0t saying that t0 y0u before...
n0w...ak decided nak study jer...
xnk ingat bnda laen selaen Allah Yang Maha Esa,kekasihNYA Muhammad S.A.W...ummi,ayah,abang,uda,amat,w0o...
huhu...banyak sangat laki2 dlm idup aku sbb adek-beradek ak smua laki2...haha
aku bersyukur...baru lega sket rase...huhu...
live ur life t0 the fullest!!!